Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Load of Condensed Matter and a Big Box Full Of Clothes

My mom sent me a big box full of clothes. I'm a happy boy!
My absence from anywhere in the past week or two (web, dorm, international student parties) is due to a certain relationship going quite well and her place being conveniently located inside Kyoto ...

But looking back on all the pics I chose for today, it's really been quite a long time since the last post. Tomorrow will make 4 weeks in Japan - saying it like that makes it as dreamlike as ever. Is this what it's like to feel alive? [see below] I'm starting to worry whether my language skill will improve quickly enough - but then, considering what I've learned in the past 4 weeks, I really think I'm doing fine.

Unfortunately, I'm going to keep it short, because worldly matters take on a very serious face when getting up to go to class tomorrow morning takes place at 6:50.

Besides dance events, more wonderful food, a healthy dose of sightseeing, one exceptional trip by a friend's car into more countryside Japan close to Nara (I could almost picture Totoro in front of my eyes), and getting along really well with some of the international dudes, I'm a happy man because I can now read/write the kanji for the "ji" that's at the end of many street names in Kyoto.

Little things make me happy, they really do. I've been talking a lot about little things and big things since I finished reading Dawkins's The God Delusion. I'm thinking a lot about ethics, philosophy and religion, and fortunately my friends from Jordan, Tunisia, Finland and my lovely extracurricular Japanese teacher like to talk about these things. It's been very satisfying. I'm getting closer to a temporary plateau of relief in the search for my own philosophy of life. Once I reach the plateau, I'll probably write something about it.

I'd like to end today by thanking all of you who have been writing to me in the form of comments/e-mails; though some of you might think that I have no time/need for your contact, I honestly really value it, and hearing from you is keeping me from dissolving completely into this dreamlike state of mind. Give me your pixxx as well !!!


Elma said...

Dear prince good to hear from you and all the good news. Keep up with the language study I know you can do it. I miss hearing the development of your ideas now having to wait until they are christallized but anyway great but great. In Maputo life is very fine, me being received as long lost daughter of the house, work is stimulating and so on. But internet at home very slow via cell phone, for instance waiting 5 minutes to open your blog, devourates phone credit so I'll stick more to email.

Lovelove, Elma

Elma said...

Took at least ten minutes today to get into this space. But what I want to say, man I thought I could write reasonably well but I'm impressed how you use language, between poetry and telling daily life, estou ultrapassada it's a new desafio you're very inspiring. Nothing to do with mum-son business, genuine admiration I would tell anyone who gives me this.
Waiting for more, E