Tuesday, November 4, 2008

October pix

The new place! By now it's more livable than these pics show, but still not quite there yet .. I'll post more once I have the sofa. The furniture is mostly from IKEA, which was hilarious. After two long nights of recording, I went directly to IKEA (in Osaka) with Yuuta (JM singer) in his car. Got there around 4 am, parked the car on the rooftop parking lot, where cheap European music was blasting from cheap speakers just for us. Slept in the car for a couple of hours and woke up to a loud voice broadcasting our welcome to IKEA today. We were the first customers (at least coming in from the 5th floor). It was somewhat absurd - lots of laughs.

My birthday! It was a weekday, so most people were busy, but I met up with Misa and had two terrific food adventures: cake and yakiniku. Phonecalls from friends and family in Holland and Mozambique, lots love and little things from friends, the band (two weeks' worth of instant ramen! Perfect timing, since I had no cooking facilities at that time), facebook ... and a wonderful package from the Transvaal Chillers. I'm postponing the party for quite a while - until I get my sofa, which is hopefully within two weeks or so now.

Jungle Mic recording&gig:

Misc parties (check out my Halloween costume):

Sightseeing with kids for cash..the girls on the last pic are horribly failing at the games chimpanzees typically to do prove their intelligence.

My first time to kaitenzushi:

Random festival around the corner from home/school:

Forgot to post these in the Tokyo entry. Check out my awesomeness.

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