Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Hate Bureaucracy, or Do I Really Want To Be A Caveman?

I'll just throw this up and get it over with: I'm getting tired of studying so much. And I'm frustrated with the procedures for getting the university to act as my guarantor for the lease contract on a new apartment. Going to the International Service Office tomorrow in the hope that the 10-something papers that need to be organized can be done within a day or two. I hate bureaucracy.

Alrighty! Considered, accepted. Next up: Gion Matsuri!!!! It's finally here, and despite the occasional thunderstorm and the not-so-occasional exam, circumstances are perfect. I went last night for the first time - with Misa -, and am going again tomorrow (with Ego) and on Thursday morning (with Misa). Incidentally, I made friends with a Polish girl who's been here for a year and is leaving soon, whose field of research is something to do with Japanese religion and history. Talking to her, I was very relieved to find that there IS actually someone who knows what these things mean and where they come from! Great. (I still don't).

As for me, I'm just walking around in my yukata (generously lent by Misa's dad, handmade by her great-grandma) and geta (wooden slippers), enjoying the feast that Gion Matsuri is for my eyes, ears, nose and especially mouth. Food stalls lining the streets at night - only in matsuri time, and very cool to discover the Japanese know what street food means after all.

For lack of inspiration, I'll let the pix speak for themselves. Also some overdue pix regarding anti-G8 protesting, post-Zero drinking, my stolen bike, Titinart's goodbye, Kyoto U's welcome party (the one with the Totoro brass band), karaoke with Misa's friends (I had the pleasure of participating in an otherwise all-girls Japanese birthday party), a ski shop called Kandahar, and the rainy season.

A final note: I'm having fun planning some good stuff for this summer, though it means I won't be able to buy much else than the bare essential (stove) once I move into my new place. Oh well! Updates as stuff crystallizes out. Looks like I won't be seeing Mark but will be seeing Koki, in any case.

1 comment:

Elma said...

So your bike got stolen already? After all, that's not an Amsterdam phenomenon? Chico kept repeating his amazement at my story that once in 1 year I had 10 bikes stolen, 4 racing bikes and 6 city bikes. And still I continued buying bikes?